Hey! I remembered I've got this bloggy-thingy where I can write down stuff about my life that I want to share! So hi there, I'm here again. :)
Life is, as usual, fairly uneventful. David recently had an entire month off, and we did nothing at all. Didn't go anywhere, didn't see anything, just hung out and enjoyed the beauty that is having a husband/dad in the house. His job here is amazing, and he has really normal hours - practically 9-5 - which is a dream come true after his years as an MP, so we just soaked up that month of Papa-time. Then sadly he had to go back to work, and shortly thereafter the kids started asking to start school again. All this time I've been thinking how weird they are to want to go back to school at the end of July, till it occurred to me that we finished school in the middle of May. So yeah, they're over this whole summer break thing and we're starting up on Monday August fifth. For the past couple of weeks I've been making sure I've got all the books/binders/apps/supplies I might need for school, and now it's just time to get down to it. If anyone is curious about what we're using as far as curriculum, leave me a message and I'll fill you in. :)
I've got (as usual) a bunch of weird and semi-random photos to share. I think I'll just start off with signs I've seen around.
This building is not far from post - I'd love to talk to the owner and find out why they named their apartment that.
Seen in the subway. On the left you've got a baby. On the right you've got an adult with Clorox and a rag behind their back... what? Seriously dude, what on earth...?
It's been blessed hot lately, so we all stopped at the local dollar store and got fans. Mine is probably the neediest personal cooling device I've ever used. It's covered in piggies and the words, "Do you like me?"
We went to E-World with our friends Nick and Lauren, and Lauren and I got animal ear headbands. Because that's what you do. And I think that's awesome.