Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Korean Food, Y U SO Tasty?!

It's about time I updated this thing, since we've been out and about a few times lately. Let's start with our last trip downtown where the girls spotted a person in a kangaroo outfit. Why? Because Korea.

Earlier this summer we went to an art museum with our friend Yun. Yun is an English teacher, and is therefore fluent in English. However, when she asked me if I wanted to go to the museum I briefly wondered about her language capability because her approach was to ask if I like polka dots. :D I thought that was such a funny way to ask! In my mind I was like, "Hm. I've never really considered my feelings towards patterns. How DO I feel about polka dots?" She explained that there was an exhibit by an artist that revolved around polka dots, and it turned out to be a really fun trip.

This was a room where we took off our shoes and put stickers EVERYWHERE. The kids loved it. Yun and I even had a few on us.  Also, a couple of girls asked to have their pictures taken with the girls, and I had them text me one. So cute!

Aiden on the second floor of the museum with the hanging polka dot balloons. He did not like being on the first floor, because he felt like the balls might drop on us. I couldn't seem to get him to understand that they were full of air, so it wouldn't matter.

My friend Brittany and I went out for lunch and decided to eat at Pizza Hut. Koreans do pizza in the most interesting way.

This one had bacon and potatoes on it, and then I think it had a sweet potato filling in the crust with cream cheese drizzled over the top. It sounds so weird, but trust me, it's really good!

Here is a picture of Lillie and Sue - I mentioned Sue in an earlier post, she's the one who approached me about teaching English. I meet her once a week to just have English conversations to help her brush up on the language. She has taken quite a shine to Lillie, and has actually asked to be able to spend a day with her. Lillie calls her Omma Sue, which means Mama Sue in English. LOL

Finally, some friends invited us out to a place that has something called shabu shabu, which is basically (to my understanding) a broth with a bunch of stuff in it. :D You start off with beef, and then add whatever you want. This place also had make-your-own spring rolls, which was so fun.

Full of tasty goodness. We're so lucky to live in such an amazing place where we've met such fantastic people. I'll be so sad when we have to leave!