Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Another Day, Another Weird Picture

There's not a whole lot going on lately, but here are the few pictures I've taken in the past week or so.

I got to see Les Mis this weekend with our friends Nick and Lauren, and it was amazing. If you don't cry at that movie, you have no soul. Doing anything as mundane as going to a theater here, however, is always an adventure. Luckily the theater wasn't too far, so we only had to go a few subway stops away, but then we had to do a little bit of wandering because the theater itself is on the top floor of a department store and it's sort of in a secret little alcove that isn't particularly well-marked. But we found it, and Nick was able to get tickets and concessions without any major problems. Well, except for poor Lauren's cold churros... not a tasty situation.

Anyway, this is a sign that was in the lobby. I wish I knew what it was advertising. Possibly some sort of strange flavored squid snack? It's a popular concession here. Not a pleasant smell when you're trying to enjoy your movie.

Next, I wanted to give a shot of how people move into these apartments. We live on the 4th floor of a 5 story apartment, and I don't know how it's done in the states but here the movers use a really cool conveyor belt sort of contraption to move our stuff. Our front door opens onto a sort of open corridor, kind of like a motel, instead of like a normal apartment building, so when someone is moving in or out you'll see this giant conveyor belt thing propped up against the wall and the movers at the top taking the stuff off.

And today's last picture has nothing to do with Korea, but I wanted to show Aiden in the cutest hat ever. My sister-in-law made yoda hats for both him and David, and I got pictures of both of them, but I can't technically post David's because he was wearing it while in uniform. I'll get another one of him later and post it, probably when I put up the one of me wearing the awesome headband and scarf my other sister-in-law gave me. We seriously have the greatest family.

I finally got a decent camera, so I have a list of stuff to take pictures of while I'm out and about over the next couple of weeks. However, David will be out of town with our good laptop till the beginning of March, so it will be a little more difficult to blog. Hopefully I'll get one post in before he gets back. If not, I'll just have more time to get pictures of Shin Woo and Olive Mart and our church and ... hey, does anyone have any requests? Anything specific you'd like to see? Let me know! 


  1. For some reason the sign for the squid snack saying "Ricky Martin" makes me giggle more than I think it should.

    As for requests I want pictures of all the candy you keep telling me about.

  2. I want you to find some totally cool, Korean food. Take pictures and then tell me how it tastes. :)
