Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Exercise Equipment, or Torture Device?

I have been trying to come up with interesting topics for this blog, and I think I have a couple, but until I really get those pulled together you can enjoy more pictures of random weird stuff. I know! A total departure from my norm here, right?

We took the subway to Home Plus today, and as soon as we got out of the station this is what greeted us.

They're hula hoops, but there are bumps all around the inside. David thinks they are some sort of exercise thing. Frankly, I think that exercise is cruel enough without needing to turn childhood toys into torture devices.

Inside Home Plus we looked around for mittens and stuff, and perused the toy department as well. That's where we found these bizarre entities.

The top ones reminded us of Catbus from "My Neighbor Totoro", although these are somehow a little creepier (if that's possible). The bottome one isn't that awful, till you realize it's a ram. There is just something very off-putting about a fluffy pink ram.

On the way home we passed a car that had the Korean version of a "Baby On Board" sticker.

Like so many things here, the English is technically correct, but somehow seems a little off...
Tune in later for a video of "Subway Dance Practice!"


  1. The Hula Hoops look like octopus lol

    1. We saw a street vendor selling some of those, too! I told David that I don't think your food should be able to feel you as much as you can feel it. :P

  2. The hoola hoops look painful and the toys look creepy. Whats with the Koreans anyway! A bit strange.

  3. ROFL. "Oh, Baby in Car." Please tell me you've seen a stick family too! Maybe those are supposed to massaging hula hoops? To entice exercise? Eh, that's all I got. :)
